About Artica Proxy - General Solusindo

Artica Tech offers a powerful but simple-to-use solution, usually the preserve of Large and Multinational companies.
With a starting price of just ..€ and more than 62 000 active servers, Artica Proxy has been developed over the past 10 years as an Open Source Project to help SMEs and public bodies protect both their organizations and employees from Internet danger at a low cost.

Internet Protection
•    Personalized/ Automatized Internet Filtering
•    Over 30 million internet sites classified under 150 categories and 345 000 virus-infected links
•    Web sites DNS requests filtering
•    Antivirus and Antispam automatically updated
•    Creation of caching rules
•    Multiple Authentication through the ACL
On demand Internet Hot Spot Deployment
•    Authentication portal/ AD – LDAP interconnection
•    For your Employees and Visitors

Powerful statistic Engine
•    Dashboard. See an overall picture of the organization’s Web activity.
•    Top Charts/ Trend Charts. Get a view of spikes in bandwidth and employee Web use (top users, groups, categories, and sites,…)
•    Interactive Reporting. Drill down to more detailed data in reports.
Network Internet Performance
•    Unlimited Poxy caching unlimited (storage limited to 2Go in the Free version)
•    Reverse Proxy
•    Load balancing with replication and automatic switching to the spare
•    AD-Active Directory connection (30 days only on Community Edition)
•    SMP mode allowing fluidity of browsing.
•    Remote management
•    Log purging
•    Import / Export of configuration sets

Support and updates
•    Help Desk access with unlimited number of tickets
•    New features and access to proxy’s ‘monitoring’ interface
•    Object rule delegation
•    Automatic update of the proxy

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